Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I Gave it The Office!

My home office is well on it's way. I suffered through some injuries & bleeding while attempting to assemble the file cabinet (see prior Ikea Insanity post), and with the help of a friend (is it a friend if you have to sign a contract & waiver as well as pay them?...hmm) we were able to complete the terrible task.

Then came the desk, which is much larger than the cabinet, but was infinitely easier to build, & I did it all by myself, I did- with nary a cut, bleeding, or bruising of any kind! Lastly I assembled the black wooden bankers chair that matches all the pieces. My only coordination appears to be in colors. The Macs set up & I'm almost open for business.

I just have to clear out the rest of the crap so I can actually get to the damn desk. The room I speak of used to be a second bedroom, which in turn became a showcase for my amassed pop culture collectibles, sadly devolving into a black hole where things are tossed. Once the door is shut, they don't exist! Come on, everybody has a room or closet like this in their place. If you don't, I can guarantee you eventually will. It's kinda like a GIANT junk drawer!

I actually hired two girls (no, they were neither geisha's nor hookers!) this past weekend to help me organize. We've been transporting all the crap from the office upstairs to my attic which is a good size with two rooms. Unfortunately now the attic has become the black hole on a grander scale! I've got a headache!

I'll just close the attic door and TA-DA, like magic, all the crap has disappeared! Wait, don't open the...............................................!

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