Friday, March 13, 2009


-This one's for Stefany-

A Croatian motorist wreaked his car when he crashed through an undertakers window. When the driver awoke, he was in an open coffin. "He didn't know if he was alive or dead," said a rescue worker who responded to the scene.

Undertaker Miro Zirdum said it was the fourth time a car had crashed into his place of business. Sadly for the mortician none of the victims required his services.

That gives new meaning to the term drive-in! If the undertaker was smart he would pursue that as a new business opportunity.


Stefany said...

Thanks for the post dedicated to moi. Hmm, I guess the mortician's business is going down hill since the location is making people "accidentally" crash into the place.

And thank you for the kind words to the... afterlife... post. And yes, I know what you mean.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Your Welcome sweet Stef. :-)