Monday, March 16, 2009

What a Relief!

I thought I was having a severe meltdown mid-life crisis, then a friend pointed out that I drive a 2003 Honda Element- The color orange for that matter! What would I do without friends.


Stefany said...

What made you have the almost meldown?

Stefany said...

As for the song... meh.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Actually it didn't turn out to be a meltdown after all- just some bad gas! That post was supposed to be hysterically funny Stef, like all my other one's- Sheesh!

Meh yo'self! What do you kids know about music anyway?!

Stefany said...

I didn't take you THAT seriously. There just had to be some reason to write the post... that's all.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

You must ALWAYS take me serious, as I'm ALWAYS serious.....sometimes..once in a while..rarely.

Do I really need a reason Stef? Really? Come on girl! Sometimes ya just gotta do it, even if it's for yo'self.