Tuesday, March 17, 2009


An Iowa man actually named Rip Van Winkle is suffering from insomnia. "I went to the doctor's office & the irony is incredible. My name is Rip Van Winkle, & I can't sleep," he said.

Mr. Winkle spends his nights watching movies or reading. I feel your pain brudda. Although my name is far from unique & ironic, I often suffer from a similar fate, although not as badly of late. He may be Rip, but I'm torn! In fact when I don't get enough sleep I feel absolutely shredded.

Painfully bad puns, & not at all funny. Hey, I tried.


Stefany said...

Oh, how I love snoozin'... never had insomnia.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Count yourself VERY lucky Stefany (Zetz). It's not fun. :-(

tia-juana said...

Always funny. I get my norning chuckle from you if you're posting (DON'T go there!)

C. Louis Wolfe said...

It's ALL about the funny! I got nothin' if I don't have funny.

"DON'T go there!"? But If not there, where shall I go?

Maria Sondule said...

Wow, that's pretty amazing. I feel sorry for him and all, but who can't love the irony??
*groans at the puns* But they're actually better than what my family comes up with. :P

C. Louis Wolfe said...

And what does your family come up with MS?