Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Preposterous Pondering To Ponder

"Each handicap is like a hurdle in a steeplechase, and when you ride up to it, if you throw your heart over, the horse will go along, too."

-Lawrence Bixby

Bills brother? Does anyone know who this is before I have to google his name?

Actually, (I write that word a lot) that quote to ponder is not particularly preposterous nor ponderous is it. In fact it's kinda nice, so ponder away.


Stefany said...

Ummm, what? Any way, I DID see the full moon, but it was a bit too cloudy and hazy to actually admire it from afar. At least the weather is (kinda... rain) nice over here. 64* today! Can ya believe it?

Stefany said...

Ooh, by the way. That pic is from pumpkin carving around Halloween. I WAS happy, but I was actually going for a stupid look on my face by grinning and hugging my pumpkin (hence that orange thing).

C. Louis Wolfe said...

About the same here, except sunny! Beautiful day here in Jersey if that's possible?

Oh wasn't lookin' at the orange thang. Checkin' out your peepers, which I'm partial to. Don't get a big head w/that ego of yours! ;^)

Stefany said...

Har har har. It's 1:25pm and I'm HOME! Baking away...

OW! Damn paper cut...