Monday, March 2, 2009

Oops, Yikes, and Oh No!

I'm sitting at my desk counting my rubber bands & paper clips when the phone rings. I don't usually answer it, but it's the front desk so I made an exception. It was one of the new bosses. He asked me where my radio was & I didn't know what he meant. He said he was coming back. Hmmm I thought, this was interesting.

He came back to my office & asked me the same question. I misunderstood & thought he had been trying to call me on the radio for some reason. I told him I'd been in my office for a while. He again asked if I was missing something. It seemed like the words that were coming out of his mouth were a foreign language known only to him.

He must of observed the glazed over "duh" look on my face, realizing he'd have to make himself clearer. With a slightly raised voice he said, "aren't you missing your POLICE radio?" I immediately looked over at the empty charging station realizing I might be in deep!

In my almost 25 year career I've lost lot's of stuff like guns, hats, badges, cop cars & criminals, but I couldn't recall ever losing a radio. Those things go for over a grand! They ain't cheap. There would be many reports written & apologies made. He told me the radio had been found by a civilian at the Exxon station where they have one of those "Tiger Mart" convenience stores. This kind civilian in turn then called HQ's.

It must have fallen out of my pocket as I got into the car. How embarrassing! I've always liked this particular co-worker & knew him pretty well before he became a boss. He was a musician & he didn't quite fit the stereo typical police mold like myself. He must like me too because he didn't throw me under the bus. That's why it's good to try to get along with co-workers. You NEVER know when they may one day rise to power. Someone who doesn't like you is gonna like you less if they're your boss, & when they're a boss they can do something about their dislike for you.

Fortunately it all worked out in the end. A cop picked it up & brought it to him & he brought it back to me so as to avoid a scene at the front desk. Nice guy. I'm sure he'll make a decent boss.

I actually wouldn't have lost the radio if my chief & captain didn't make me get their coffee & hot chocolate. Yeah see, it's their fault- NOT MINE!


Stefany said...

So, why don't you patrol the streets anymore? Save innocent lives? Have shoot-outs with thugs? Why have you been reduced to sit at a desk for 8 hours and count paper-clips while worrying about getting your boss some hot coffee?

Am I being too nosy again? I know, I know. It's none of my business... I can't help but be interested.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Now-now Zetzie, settle down! I waz on da mean streetz for 20 years- that was long enough. I was burnt out dealin' w/all da negativity- I gotz problems of my own- boo-hoo!

I just needed a change iz all. I actually don't sit on my @$$ for 8 hours. It's more like 7 hours, 58 minutes! :-)

I actually never thought of it as being "reduced" until you brought it up- now I've got a sad face which you can't even see. The only thing that's been reduced is my self esteem ;-(

Don't worry I'll be OK- I'll try to soldier on & all that stuff.

& yes, you are being nosy, but based on your pics you seem to have a fine one- just try not to pick it OK?