Monday, March 16, 2009

Over The Hill At 28?!

According to scientists at the University of Virgina, they've found that the ability to reason, speed of thought, & spatial visualization all peak around 22 years of age & begin declining by 27.

Researchers studied 2,000 people between the ages of 18 & 60 & found failure to remember names & find car keys, associated with "old age," may begin decades earlier than once thought.

I had those problems long before I was 22, so what does that say about me now? I'm even more past my prime than I thought I was? Apparently waaaaay past it! Is that even possible? :^(

Source- M. Joyella NY Post


Stefany said...

You are too kind (in response to your comment on me blog). I know, I AM too down on myself. I can't help it... I'm like George Costanza.

Any way, that study is pretty hard to believe... Have you ever seen Jay-walking? You know, where Leno asks some people random questions on the street? They're at that age range... and not very bright.

Stefany said...

*I meant to say "me blog," so don't judge me!*

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Why yes, yes I am....too kind I mean. Your not like George sweet Stef. You're actually a little cuter than him. ;-)

I have seen Jay walking. I've also seen Jay driving & bike riding. Jay happens to be my best friend's name.

Are you a pirate Stef? You wrote "me blog" & when trying to correct it you wrote the same thing AGAIN! You must be tired. It's early to bed for you young lady!

Oh I'll judge ya Stef! I'll judge ya & good! In fact, I'll even go as far as to Judge Judy ya!

changetheworld360 said...

"me blog" = :) I might start using that now.
Hmm. Stefany brings up a good point. But I must say: I already have had problems with ability to reason and spatial visualization, so does that mean I peaked as a wee child?
Btw, SNL did a spoof of Jaywalking a couple years ago where they ridiculed that very fact.

Stefany said...

NO...! I didn't try to "correct" myself. I thought you would think I spelled "my" wrong when I said "me." That is why I told you not to judge me... for saying "me blog." I MEANT to do that.

Tryin' to be British over here, chap.

And I LOVE George!

P.S. CTW360, you have my permission to use that phrase!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

"wee child"?, I didn't know you were Irish CTW360.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Chap?! C-H-A-P??!! Never ever call me that again. The Queen called me that once. ONCE!....Blimey!

Stef- Before you give permission to CTW360, you may wanna check w/your team of lawyers. There may be some money in it for you. At the very least have some contracts drawn up to protect yo'self! ;-}

Anonymous said...

Ya know I believe that forgetting names or where you put your keys has nothing to do with age (unless if your pushing 70 or unfortunately have dementia). I believe remembering things has much to do with habbit and association. For example your keys. Everything should have a place. Everytime you come home they go where they belong, therefore you will always remember where they their place.

As far as remembering names, well that's all about association. When I first started working at my diner I met the hostess whose name is Rina. to remember that...well I thought of Rino Nevada. It did work for me, although sometimes I almost called her Rino (Ha). So keep in mind verbal memory is better triggered by association.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

You're makin' too much damn sense E5! I might have called that Rina girl DiaRina by accident!! ;^)