Thursday, March 26, 2009

Over or Under

I'd like to finally put an end to the raging debate that's lasted centuries, destroyed civilizations, started wars, separated Man, woman, & child, as well as loved ones.

Should the toilet paper roll go over the top (front) of the dispenser, OR under the rear (pun intended) from the backside? (pun once again intended).

I'll settle this once & for all! It's UNDER! Why you ask? Because gravity works better this way, & it's prettier. ;^)

OK, now that that's done what's next?!


Stefany said...

Brilliant idea for a blog post...!


Alright, alright. I'd have to say "over." People who try to be all fancy-shmancy do the "under" technique. Or, they're tryin' to go against the grain! First toilet paper, then the world! They're starting a REVOLUTION, I tell ye!

Dare to be different...!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

You wound me with your cruel demeaner Stef.

Oh, & I dare! I do indeed dare.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

PS- Actually I double dog dare ya! Wait, no. I take that back. I'll go right for the throat & triple dog dare ya!!!

Anonymous said...

It definitly goes over. When I find its under I get irritated and wonder..."who would do that"?

I have found myself sticking my fingers inside the (full) roll of TP in order to try and unleash the roll and put it back the "right" way. Although I don't do that anymore....takes too much effort to correct the rest of the world. After all who am I to think that my way is the right way.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Well hello E!- So nice to see you here. I'm glad you did the right thing in becoming a follower- now go pour everyone a cup of Kool-Aid, never mind that strange smell! ;^)

Over eh? I'm so sure we're gonna get along unless you become an "under" person. FLAST is MY blog & EVERYONE has to agree with me & do as I say or I'm gonna take my ball & go home!

I actually knew a girl (control freak?!) who would re-position my TP roll which I thought was a little creeeeepy- not to mention it made me FURIOUS! So why am I mentioning it??!! ;^)~

THANKS for your comment.