Friday, January 23, 2009

The End is Nigh!


Apparently after twenty five years of copping out, I'm eligible for retirement. I knew it was coming up, but kept putting it on the back burner of my mind. Recently I was reminded of this by several bosses. I'm wondering if that was a BIG hint?! Yeaaaah, I'd say so.

My "lew" (lieutenant) said If I don't use any vacation/sick days, I can go sometime in June. Otherwise it would be sometime in October or November. eeek! Suddenly when faced with the reality of it all, I started stressin'! I thought when the time came, I'd be all excited, screaming like a little girl, and running naked out of HQ's!

Fortunately I'll be getting a pension, but I'll still have to work part time to pay off all the $h!t I bought myself (see a prior post or two or three). It'll be great to have more time to make movies, catch up on LOT'S of reading, music, etc., but what else? The economy basically sucks, and quite honestly I'd make a terrible Walmart greeter!

Recently my chief mentioned he was trying to get the town to keep me on through the end of '09. We'll see. Times (and municipal budgets) are tight, and they'd save a bit of ca$h if my @$$ (trying not to swear-prior post) left the building. If I stayed through '09 it would help me save a bit of ca$h, and give me some time to stall to figure out some kinda future. High anxiety I tell ya!


tia-juana said...

(last line unnecessary.)

maybe you could get into the mortgage business - people are bound to start buying houses again. Or maybe they could use some help at the cemetery?

You'll get nuttier if you don't do something. (notice that I didn't say "go nuts" for obvious reasons!) Stay put as long as they'll have you.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Alright TJ- I took it off. Your right- wasn't offensive enough! ;-)~

Negative! No office work unless I'm the only male employed in an office lousy w/amazons!

"nuttier"?, but there's been a recall. Haven't you heard?! Oh, you mean me-riiight. What was that again about my........N

I think they get their wants confused w/their haves. Especially when it comes to me.