Friday, January 2, 2009

All Buttoned Up

Last night I went out to the movies to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Starring Brad Pitt and the always alluring and talented Cate Blanchet. Directed by the talented David Fincher, he of Alien3, Fight Club, Seven, and a few other "darkish" films.

When I found out he was directing the film I was somewhat surprised. The film clocks in at three (or nearly) hours and is based on a short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The screenplay was written by the gentleman who penned the script for Forrest Gump. If you see the film there's a somewhat similar sense of story and structure to a degree.

All in all the production was well done. The acting was very good. It's a slow moving picture and there's much to see. If you're looking for an exciting action flick pass this one by or wait for the video release. Do the same if you have a low patience threshold. If you like a engaging character driven film, you'll most likely enjoy it. Remember though, it's a fantasy so you'll have to suspend your disbelief.

My movie companion was someone I had not seen a film with before. She made it clear she was hoping I wouldn't talk during the film which is fine as I'm a bit of a movie snob (like Stef). Not only did she occasionally talk during the film, but she was a loud talker! If your going to speak at least have the courtesy to whisper. In fact they should have a film, book, or television show called the film whisperer....................or not. Needles to say, I intend to see the film again either alone or with a respectful companion. Just for the record, I'm not at all bashing her. I like her fine. I just think between her and the legion of "cell phoners and PDAers", I was not able to enjoy the film as much as I thought I would.

OK, movies over. Make sure to button up. It's cold outside. Wow, that was lame, huh?


Stefany said...

Loud talkers... ugh. NO ONE should be talking at the cinema. Except for the people on screen...

Remember that episode of Seinfeld, the soft talkers? So funny!

So you thought the movie was slow? Actually, a lot of people found it quite boring.

I liked the pace of it. I was intrigued and interested the whole time.

Stefany said...

P.S. Fight Club and Se7en were great!

Fight Club is on my list of favorite movies of all time...

C. Louis Wolfe said...
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C. Louis Wolfe said...

Dig Fight Club! Didn't see that end coming- felt a bit stupid- there were clues there much like another one of my favs, The Six Sense.

Have you seen The Usual Suspects- if you haven't I strongly recommend it!

slivovica said...

Hi! You commented on one of my posts a few weeks ago, so I decided to comment back (better late than never :).

So firstly: Happy New Year to you too! ^^

I don't know whether you will see this comment, as I decided to comment on your first post this year, not the latest one (mainly because a comment with the sentence "Happy New Year" in it seemes to be more appropriate here, than elsewhere, and also it's quite exciting whether you will answer).
I'm curious about how you found my blog, by the way. :)

I haven't seen "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" yet, but I'm planning to. Yesterday I saw Rockandrolla, and found it surprisingly good (not as good as Snatch or Lock, Stock... of course, but still, it's quite enjoyable). Fortunately, the audience didn't get on my nerves this time either, although there were quite a lot of people watching, which I don't really like. One of my favourite things is being alone in the movie theatre while watching a film.