Tuesday, January 27, 2009


It's a boy (x6) and a girl (x2).

A woman gave birth to eight babies in Southern California yesterday, the world's second live-born set of octuplets.

The babies were born nine months premature, but are in stable condition. They weigh between 1lb.8ozs., and 3lbs.4ozs.

Forty-six hospital staff and four delivery rooms were used for the births. Apparently the mother will have to use the handstand method to get around, for the foreseeable future! (I added that last snarky part!)


Stefany said...

Yeah, I heard this on the radio on the L&M show...

She actually thought she was only having 7 babies... Also, it took her about 5 minutes to deliver all of em'.

I'm waaay ahead of you on the news, Wolfe. Ha!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Stef, I must insist you STOP listening to the radio. I wanna break these stories to my readers, if not I'll have nothing to break but wind! :^{

C. Louis Wolfe said...

And another thing sassy Miss Stefany- don't make me come over there! Wait, that would entail me going to Ohio wouldn't it? Aw, that's OK- let's forget about the whole thing!

Stefany said...

*cough, jerk, cough*

You haven't commented on my last 3 posts! Do it NOW!

C. Louis Wolfe said...


You best strap some boots on talkin' to me in that tone! Go stand in the corner. DO IT NOW!

The Jerk

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Reading over all those inappropriate dramatic comments, I say we just move along- nothing to see here folks- go back home.

Unknown said...

It's probably because I haven't had my morning tea yet, but I don't get the handstand thing.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

It was me apparently NOT funny Cate. I meant after pushin' out all those babies, she'd have to find an alternate means to walking. Oh well, sometimes they fall flat.

Unknown said...

And now we find out she has 6 other kids, and apparently has an "obsession" with having kids. All of them were conceived with IVF. I have no problem with people having as many kids as they want, provided they can take care of them and provide the decent basics and a good quality of life for them. It's irresponsible to bring children into the world if you can't care for them properly. I find it hard to believe that she'll be able to do that on her own for 14 children.