Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fixation Fascination!

I tend to be a very observant person. I guess it's partially due to being a "classic Virgo", but perhaps more so to being a government agent. Being observant can be both good and bad. Good for when your looking for the things you want to see- bad for when you see the things you don't!

When I meet someone, no matter if it's for the first time or not, I tend to zero in on something, whether it be a unique physical feature, clothing, or speech. Nothing freaks me out more then the collection of spittle in the corners of someones mouth. It repels me and grosses me out, yet transfixed, transformed, and fascinated, I can't look away.

The other day I was having lunch in a local diner when a co-worker happened by. As he started conversing with me, I couldn't help but notice the small pockets of white foam frozen in time in the corners of his mouth. I wanted to say something to make him aware of this anomaly, but I was afraid if I did, he would wipe it away, so I'd have to start all over again, trying to find something new and gross to fixate on.

Perhaps he had rabies and I should have muzzled him and taken him to the vet. I sure hope he doesn't bite anyone. I can't have crap like that hanging over my head. I've got enough guilt for two. 


Will said...


This gave me a good laugh.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Will my friend, I am here to bring you the funnies!

Unknown said...

I know several people that close their eyes a lot when they talk. Definitely much longer than a blink. I find myself unconsciously leaning forward sometimes, just to see if they'll open their eyes again.

Stefany said...

I'm very observant as well. It's fun spying on people and listening to their conversations at restraunts...

I hate when people talk to me and they look at every single part of my face. From my eyebrows to my hair to my mouth, their eyes are going all over the place.

People are so annoying. They're the worst (Seinfeld)

C. Louis Wolfe said...

That freaks me out as well Cate, especially the slow or delayed blink.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Stef- how could anyone look beyond those big beautiful wondrous eyes?!