Friday, January 2, 2009

Tears of Rust

The rain that falls splashes my face
but they're not tears for you

The cuts we left that made us bleed
the things we'd never do

Another time-another place
perhaps we'll never know

A garden of weeds and prickly thorns
where flowers dare to grow



Stefany said...

I always try to be a little different than the next person. I'm kind of the "black sheep" of the family. But the point is, thats what I'm going for! My family is very old fashioned (not the same as me being interested in the 1950's)... And my mom always wants me to be more a more "normal teenager." Sigh... They really do not approve of most of the things I like/do. Even though I'm a good person and dislike most teenagers.

Stefany said...

GAH! Sorry I'm so busy! I haven't been able to comment on any of your posts...

sophster said...

i love the title. i wrote a poem once called "rust like raspberries." rust is a very powerful image. hmm. just thought i'd say that. nice poem.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Stef- "Normal" is just a setting on washer/dryer. I'm the black sheep as well & must admit I wear it proudly, but then again I was always a bit of a trouble maker in my family. Don't ever give up YOUR identity for what you think someone else wants it to be.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

FB-Thanks so much for your comment it really means a lot! My wish for you is that someday you receive some wings that work, like Opus the penguin! Unless of course you prefer to be earthbound.