Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Bitter Economy

As the economy worsens, it seems people are cutting back on unnecessary frivolous daily purchases. Simple things once basically taken for granted are being reconsidered; such as eating out, going to the movies, and apparently even coffee.

Starbucks announced they will be shuttering close to 300 stores on top of their already planned 600 closures announced in July 2008. While I feel terrible (really) for the people who will be losing their jobs, I won't miss their apparently less available harsh, overpriced, and over hyped sludge they pass off as coffee. Remember, that's just this humble writers opinion, and in no way reflects the thoughts or views of the employees and management of Blog Spot.

I read yesterday that Starbucks will no longer be serving decaf coffee in the afternoon unless requested by a customer. Even then the customer is going to have to wait for a barista to brew up a fresh pot.

I'm grateful EVERYDAY for my job, even though I sometimes bitch about it here on FLAST. I'm truly blessed and am reminded of that EVERY TIME I read the paper, watch the news, or surf the WWW.

It seems these days, the best and most secure (if anything actually is) jobs to have would be cops and morticians. I've got the first one covered, and I live at the cemetery which is close to the second.


tia-juana said...

my stomach turns at the very thought of starbucks coffee. too strong.

And yes, I agree. Even though I'm the only one at my house with a job right now, I realize how fortunate I am! Odd, how I wasn't even looking for a real job when I started out 3 years ago. (see everything happens for a reason)

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Tia- That's a HUGE responsibility! A lot of bills to pay & mouths to feed & that's on top of being a wife & mother. Times have certainly changed. Now mama's bringin' home the bacon, but whose gonna fry it.

tia-juana said...

well the inheritance is taking care of most of the bills....but it sucks to have to spend it like that. Believe me, if we relied on my salary, we wouldn't be able to pay our taxes!

Somebody needs to turn off the Sopranos and get out of the recliner!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Thank God I'm meek, 'cause I think the only thing I'll inherit is the earth, and apparently that's an inconvenient truth.

You go tia! Get his Sopranos lovin' @$$ out the chair! I like it when you talk tough!

Secret Squirrel... shhh said...

Have you ever been to the zoo?

Do not be embarrassed if you haven't.

You may watch the people who are looking at the trapped monkeys, see them pointing, laughing and enjoying the show played out by the fuzzy ones.

The people smile at the similarities between the animals in the cages and themselves, laugh at how much they are alike, yet also at how primitive the creatures are. A man picks his nose.

One of the monkeys may distract the humans by displaying its red butt.

It's precisely then that the poopie-war begins, and the imprisoned monkeys have their day.

Now watch the funny men and ladies duck as hot wads of gooey monkey projectiles whizzz toward them like stinky torpedos of hate.

Oof! That one took Grandpa out with a violent splat to the forehead. Gramps tastes dirt!

That shot was heard all the way down at the "Gila Monster Fun Tank" for sure!

Animals are funny!

A day at the zoo is always a treat, but bring an umbrella.

Stefany said...

I've actually NEVER been to Starbucks... Shocking, really.

I guess I'm thankful for my job as well. I HATE the damn place, but I'm making money. And I sure as hell need it.

I work hard. 10 hours a day while practising my shaky Croatian is difficult. Balancing that with people I hate and family members I barely know isn't fun either. Then there are the men that I wish would fall into a black hole... And THEN I must focus on the actual job I'm doing (which involves working with melted glue, wax, blue-seal with toxic fumes, and etc).

Yep, can't wait to go to college!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Stef- Do you really work in a factory that makes Croations, or is it Croats? That's a very LONG work day. I used to work 11 hour days, but got 4 days off! Miss that.

Go to college!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stefany said...

I'm GOING to college, yo! It just took me a while to figure out what I wanted to do (for a living).

By the way, the factory I work at makes airplane, helicopter, etc, parts (with plastic and wax molds that will be dipped in metal). But it seems like we would make Mexicans, since there are so many there...

Also, yes, it's Croats. Pronounced "Crowe - ats."

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Is that any relation to Russell Crowe-ates? :-)