Monday, January 5, 2009


Troubadours sing the blues
Hoping for some happy news

Poets dream of love and loss
Rolling over stones of moss

Hearts and souls sequestered apart
With each beat they stop and start

Blind men beg for lips that see
Futures end foretold to me

Children dream of hopes and joy
I the man that was the boy

Darkness falls more quickly now
As the old forsake their vow



sophster said...

have you ever tried writing in blank verse? i like the poetry but i feel like the rhyme is forcing you into places.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

You could be "write"- get it? ;-)

Seriously though, I sit here at the computer and just kinda type off the top of my head. Well, I can't actually type using my head so I use my hands!

Is "blank verse" writing or poetry w/o rhyme?

I appreciate your constructive comments. Thanks.

Stefany said...

Oy, I've come back from a very confusing... time period... in my... head?

*double oy*

ANYWAY, your poetry is getting better and better. It's becoming very deep. Is there a life change going on? A significant step in the life of Chris? A moment of all moments that is happening as I type this at this very... MOMENT!?!

Stefany said...

*more comments ahead*

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Stef are you Jewish? ;^)
Did you know oy is yo in reverse? Thought you'd like to know. My father was Jewish- I know these things.

THANKS for the kind words Stef. I tend to think most of my writing, poems especially, tend to suck but continue on relatively undaunted. My fear is my stuff is becoming somewhat formulated, derivative, redundant, repetitive, and stuff like that.

No-no significant moments that I'm aware of, at least consciously. Perhaps menopause?