Sunday, January 11, 2009

It's Like Crack I tell Ya..............................

Although I don't possess a huge sweet tooth (fangs actually), I do likes me my dark chocolate from time to time. That said, I tend to like things covered in dark chocolate as well-
pretzels, cashews, and raisins. One day while grocery shopping I was looking through the dried fruit section as a healthy snack alternative to Oreos.

There on the shelf was a package that caught my eye. Sunsweet Dried Plum Bites-Chocolate Plum Sweets. Covered in what else, DARK CHOCOLATE! Now I normally wouldn't rush for the plums as I don't think I'm at that age yet, although I could be and I'm just foolin' myself, But I like to try potentially gross things, but even gross things covered in dark chocolate might not be too gross.

I couldn't wait to check out, bustin' those bad boys open before I even made it to my trusty Element. Damn those little things were yummy. Now I'm hooked and may need an intervention. I know I've got a problem 'cause I saw a picture of Amy "Don't wanna go to rehab" Winehouse scarfin' 'em down! They're not cheap either at over three bucks for a relatively small bag of chocolaty goodness!

I love how they advertise that they're good for you because of the antioxidants in chocolate, along with the goodness of fruit. You'd have to eat a ton to get any benefits. Let's see..............four bags a day for ten years........................................................................

At least I can satisfy my cravings and be regular to boot! Speaking of regular, gotta run to the crapper! SORRY 'bout that last part, but I am occasionally human.


Wandering Appalachian said...

If you like dark chocolate, there is a place in the Village called Pure Dark that is incredible!!! And they give tons of free samples.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Gwennie- your such a tease!

Will said...

Oh my god...

I never used to like chocolate until this past year or so and I feel your pain man...

Dark chocolate is a good alternative to...breakfast, water, jogging, movie theatres, checking your tires and fishing.


C. Louis Wolfe said...

Will my friend, you are wise well beyond your years!

Wandering Appalachian said...

The address is

350 Bleecker St, West Village, New York City, NY

Definitely worth checking out!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

THANKS for the address Gwennie! I'll definately have to make a stop during my next NYC visit!