Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Strange but TRUE!

A 14-year-old Chicago kid- decked out in a police uniform- passed himself off as a cop before the long arm of the law caught up with him. The boy showed up at the precinct house, was teamed up with a real cop, and worked for five hours before Chicago's Finest realized something was amiss because his uniform was missing the CPD's star-shaped badge. Authority's half-hearted defence was the kid looked much older than his actual years. I think I've been working with a few of these guys for years!
What a cop out. Get it?!

A little girl (age unknown) in the Jharkhand region of India was married off to a stray puppy- the better to ward off evil spirits in her family, villagers believe. The pup, done up in in traditional garb, including a hooded headdress, can get a divorce when the girl grows up.
Now that's something to bark about!


C. Louis Wolfe said...

Don't throw me under the bus w/this post, OK Stef?

Stefany said...

I DID hear the first one, but not the second...

I was actually going to research more about Buddhism (since I'm not very Catholic). Seems interesting... Richard Gere is Buddhist. Betcha didn't know that...

P.S. Comment on my 3 posts already!

Stefany said...

Oops, sorry! I see that you commented on my posts (except for the tofu one!)

I must tell you, Pixie was just trying to refer to this inside joke. A Croatian woman at the factory said she wouldn't eat some cookies a woman made because they were from a BOSNIAN recipe.

Emile isn't Bosnian, nor am I.

My WHOLE ENTIRE FAMILY IS CROATIAN! I'm first generation. Remember this! It's an insult to mix up Serbians (ugh), Bosnians, and Croatians...

Very similar to the Japanese and Chinese.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Stef- Richard Gere also happens to keep gerbals as pets......snicker-snicker.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Oh crap I forgot Stef-forgive me. Croation,right. I knew that. I always seem to get those countries mixed up. Please don't tell your dad. NJ's not very far away!

Rennie said...

I love your little drummer guy. How did you manage that? It's so technically savvy of you.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Rennie has returned ladies & gentlemen! Everyone, I'd like to introduce you. Please say hello before she disappears.

It's the new & improved me Ren! I'm full of amazing new wonders to behold...or not. Getting a (very) slow grip on the tech, fortunately I have dispatched secretive field ninjas throughout the globe. In fact, they're working while I type this.

THANKS for stopping by, means a lot!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

PS- I'm NOTHING if not savvy & occasionally suave! Feel free to throw in a bit of sophistication as well.