Thursday, October 2, 2008

Breakfast of Champions!

This morning I went out to pick up my usual at "The Treat". The usual, usually consisting of a pot of coffee and some form of carb type food. A buttered, bagel or croissant, depending on my mood. CARBS-CARBS-CARBS! How many WW points Ren? Wait. Don't tell me. I don't want to know.

I exited my bomb shelter, (cinder block office with no windows) emerging into the blinding sunlight of the real world. And guess what? It was cool and crisp! Bordering on cold.

I LOVE IT! Fall is here. Bring it on baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Stefany said...

Yes, it's getting chilly up here in Cleveland too. In the 50's today. Which I LOVE! I wore my new favorite hoodie today which still has the security tag on it and looks like I stole it. God damn stupid employees. Don't have the reciept either. Damn.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Does your hoodie make you look like you're in a gang? Perhaps you look like a thug. Be careful what colors you wear.

I had that tag problem once. I just ran in & out of stores as fast as I could & hoped I didn't get caught by the po-po!

Rennie said...

Many, many points to answer your question, Mr. Maybe-I-Should-Join. Consider oatmeal with fruit.