Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Worlds Most Perfect Food


I love it! It's even fun to say. Say it with me won't you? Say it loud. Say it proud. P-I-Z-Z-A!

I consume it far too often. Eating far too much.
I'm still searching for the perfect pizza and hope to learn of it's existence before my time on this planet is at hand. Can someone please tell me what the phrase "at hand" means? I was just tryin' to be fancy. I've gotten close, however I'm convinced that it's out there Waiting. Teasing me. Daring me. Beckoning me; come hither forward to be devoured. I can taste it. How it taunts me. I hear it calling to me. A faint echo from the deep reassesses of my mind. If you listen carefully you can hear it. Eeeeeeeeeeeeat me. Eeeeeeet me. EAT ME! My soul is in torment. My mouth is in torment. My stomach is in torment! Pizza is my Achilles heel.

Hey, it contains most of the major food groups. I'm rationalizing to cope. I'm making excuses. I'm in denial aren't I. I'm the perfect candidate for that "reality" TV show; Intervention. Why did I post this? I had some for lunch. One slice only Ms. W. It was white pizza with tomatoes and broccoli. Broccoli and cheese. possibly the two most dangerous combinations for the dairy impaired. Is that PC? I'm not saying I am. I'm saying; don't light a match, open all windows, and flee to thine nearest hills! Really, I'm not talking about me.

Oh, and I eat some other stuff too.


Rennie said...

I love pizza. One slice only. With a salad. Any more than that and Weight Watchers tracks you down, ties you up, and feeds you only unsweetened oatmeal and steamed vegetables until you shrink down to an appropriate size. Proud of you.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Your so brave. They're looking for you. Run! I'll distract them.

Stefany said...

I looooooooove mushroom pizza. Sadly, no one shares my love affair.


C. Louis Wolfe said...

Alas, I as well do not share your mushroom love or like affair. Rennie once made me pizza w/poison mushrooms, but when she wasn't looking I switched it w/another pizza.

All for you. None for all!