Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Mmmmmmmmmmm Part II

This morning I feel VERY groggy! Yes gentle readers, I'm bitching again. The past week or so have been CRAP on the sleep front. It's a well known (to me) fact that I tend to suffer from insomnia. Fluctuating from mild to monotonous. Even when I do sleep, I rarely feel rested. I seem to function a bit better after 11am. I'm not sure why that is, only that my bosses aren't very sympathetic to this "after 11am" phenomena.

I can't recall my sleep patterns as a baby or as a child. I wish my mother were still alive. Only later in life do I find I have so many questions to ask her that I never thought of or did while she was alive. I believe much of the cause of my restless insomnia is my mind. I tend to think a lot. Too much. I over analyze almost everything. I also think my (before it was trendy)ADHD is also a major cause. Damn it! Get Irv on the horn. Pronto!

I was a slow developer. My amazing genius mind took much longer then mere common subhumans to become cohesive, all knowing and all powerful! I think it was worth the wait don't you?! I'm not even sure that my magnificently meticulous, constantly evolving mind is even close to being fully developed. I'm very aware as I sit here typing, that my mind is constantly expanding. I can feel it occurring at this very moment. Can you see it? Is it cool? Other things are unfortunately expanding as well. Ow. My brain hurts!

OK, back to sleep, or lack there of. I tend to receive a fitful nights rest. Let's talk about the word fitful for a moment, shall we? Fitful to me, sounds good . Positive. Indicating a good nights sleep. However, the dictionary disagrees (the nerve!) indicating just the opposite. I would die to have restful, peaceful sleep, without torturous dreams. I must have a guilty conscience- heh, heh, heh. Well, as they say; I'll sleep when I'm dead. Of course I could turn out to be immortal. That could suck.

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