Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Do you believe them? Do you live by them? Are you obsessed with them? I have to admit, many years ago I gave very little credence to horoscopes and astrological signs in general. Then I began to read books in relation to my sign, which is Virgo (9/17).

For the most part, personality wise, the information was dead on. I seemed to fit the classic Virgo profile. I even got a tattoo and a t-shirt to prove it. There's many positive facets to the sign, however like anything else I guess, some facets not so good. I'm not going to hash it out here in my precious valuable blog. If your a Virgo you'll understand. If your not, and have nothing better to do, feel free to conduct a important classified scientific investigation on your own time. Time is money people!

Horoscopes can make you a little crazy if you let them. I found that in each publication I read, my 'scope was usually always different. Which one was correct? Which one should I go by? I'm sure most people find the one that suits them and that's the one they choose to accept.

I find if you read it at the beginning of your day, chances are whatever is written will become a self fulfilled prophecy for your day. I feel it's more interesting to wait until the end of the day before consulting the mystical and all knowing news print, or magazine to see how accurate it was. But honestly those of us so entertained by it want instant gratification and want it yesterday!

OK. Astrological rant over.

And go with it.......................


Stefany said...

I am DEFINATELY a gemini. Everything fits in well, except for being the life of the party (I'm more of a wallflower). Yeah, horoscopes facinate me, and I also look at them at the end of the day. They never seem to fit with what I did that day, though. But still just as interesting!

By the way, my brothers a Virgo. He is a very dull, boring person. And we are COMPLETELY opposite. Not that I'm saying your boring! I'm just sayin' that me and my brother are like oil and water.
My mom is an Aquarius and my dad is a Libra.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

How do you stick a flower to a wall & have it stay w/o damaging the wall. Maybe you should stick to a vase?

If your bro's a Virgo, he must be a GREAT guy! You think he's lame because he's your brother. I on the other hand, am EVERYTHING opposite that! & then some. With some more sprinkled on top for good measure.

Maybe I am actually boring. Wait for it.........NO, I'm AWESOME! Now suit up.

Oil 'n water? Perhaps you should add vinager. Then you guys could be human salad dressing.

I'm so witty I can't handle it!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Ren, my loyal & sometimes trusting poster is a Aquarius. I'm still not sure how I feel about that. She does, however, tend to spill her water on me, on a somewhat regular basis. Get t? Aqua? Too funny for the masses so I must stop.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Gemini eh? Where's your evil twin?