Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Good Morning?

I got nothin' yet. Stay tuned for possibly MORE nothin'.

I think I've got waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time on my hands.


Stefany said...

JEEZ you have a lot of posts. I just responded to all the ones that I haven't gotten a chance to before.

Anyway, in response to the post where you said you didn't like my line about "chatting with an 18 year old from Cleveland," I still don't understand how that sounds dirty. My imaginary friend, it only SOUNDS dirty if you WANT it to sound dirty. Sigh. We've already established the whole, "I'm not a perv" thing. No need to carry on further!

We should have an ODD out. Duke it out on whose odder. I'll email you, if I have no good frozen dinners to eat. In that case, ta ta for now!

C. Louis Wolfe said...


Actually I am a dirty old man. But that's because I don't believe in showering regularly. Just ask Ren.

ODD OUT? Bring it! You have so lost before you've even begun.

Ta-ta yo' self!

Rennie said...

It's true. He doesn't shower.