Thursday, October 9, 2008

"Mr. Crank"

Cranky all day.
Cranky all night.

Everything's wrong.
Nothing is right.

He bitches and moans all day long.
Belting out his cranky song.

There's no one around and nothing to do.
He sits alone crying, oh boo-hoo-hoo!

Along comes a girl, with smiles so sweet.
sweeping Mr. Cranky right off his feet.

Now Mr. Cranky's so happy and glad.
Instead of gloomy, angry, and sad.

It's true polar opposites can fit like a glove.
Mr. Cranky and Miss Sunshine had fallen in love.

All rights reserved


Stefany said...

Oh, how sweeeeeeeeet...

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Perhaps semi-sweet or bitter-sweet. I try to avoid full on sweet, however I occasionally slip up.