Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Greetings From The Ice Box

If you recall, that's a reference to my secret lair at work from which I type this semi fine morning. Not the weather conditions outside the walls of my confinement. I do tend to refer to the weather in my writings though, don't I? Was that a rhetorical question? Was that questioning my question? I'm sleepy. I don't quite know how that $h!t works.

I thought I had some very witty morning witticisms to offer, but now I can't remember. Holy buckets, what a train wreak! Someone bring me some java. Yesterday!

OK, I remember now. We're well into autumn with winters chill just around the corner. As pumpkins, scarecrows, and cornucopias are replaced with hot chocolate, Bourbon, and snow shovels. Don't forget to wear your galoshes, as my Aunt Tillie used to bark!

My body begins to tell me the seasons are changing. Allergies, sinuses, and especially when the back of my calves start to itch. Yeah right? That happens to you too? Can you please please pass the moisturizer?

So off with your bad selves. Emerge unto this hopefully fine day, and good Morgan to you. Isn't that Amish?

1 comment:

Rennie said...

Would you believe the front of my shins itch? This is a new development that apparently my mother has suffered from. interesting. She caught me scratching one day and informed me of the beauty of DNA.