Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Close Call!

Today I was en route to the crime ridden city of Elizabeth NJ to deliver VERY important classified documents. The type that if you were on board a plane would be inside a attache case handcuffed to your wrist. The type that if you were captured, you'd have to eat.

But I digress on purpose, because I can. Because it's MY blog that NO ONE except the lovely and vivacious Bloggetts read!

Anyway, I was transporting said documents in the Lieutenant's crappy gold unmarked car when I was almost in a car wreak of minor proportions. I was travelling straight (SE) down a road of which I do not know the name, when I observed a small van or bus backing from in front of me to the intersection directly behind it. Does that make sense to you? Well I was there so I understand!

Regardless, The vehicles front end is now sticking out slightly into the intersection. The vehicle stops (briefly) as I continue driving past it. Suddenly the vehicle pulls out, apparently attempting to execute some kind of turn. I see the driver and the J@CK@$$ is not even looking as he continues driving, heading directly for the front passenger side of my crappy secret police car. It happened slow, but fast at the same time, if you know what I mean. What do you mean you don't know what I mean?!

I'm not sure if I even applied the brakes because I couldn't believe, nor comprehend what was happening. He was STILL comin' at me. Finally he saw me and hit the brakes, as did I. The front of his vehicle was mere inches away from the front of mine. MERE INCHES I tell you! It was so close that I was waiting for the sound of metal crunching. That would be the sound of my boss's car crunching!

God or his angels must have intervened. I can't even begin to convey to you just how close we came to crashing. I actually had a bit of whiplash as my neck jerked a bit. I was even shaking a little and struggling to catch my breath that had hauled @$$ down the road from fear.

My whole life flashed before my eyes and boy was it boring. True story. Swear to God.

1 comment:

Rennie said...

My goodness. I'm glad you're ok.