Monday, October 27, 2008

On Strike!

There were NO posts on Sunday due to dissension over union wages! That and I didn't really have anything worth posting except that today absolutely SUCKED and my immediate supervisor is an @$$ HOLE!

I ain't no scab and I ain't crossin' the picket line!


Stefany said...

Sorry to hear your having an awful day. Mine went quite well. I just listened to my MP3 player all day at the factory. It's able to pick up static/music. And I listen to the morning talk show, Lannigan and Malone MAJIC (not magic) 105.7 Oldies.

Excellent *nods head*

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Your sweet "S", THANKS!

I'm able to pick up static at work as well. That would be the sound of my bosses, & a few select others voices.

Oldies?! You do have good taste liking people like me. Oh, you meant music. My bad!

I just tend to nod out!