Thursday, October 2, 2008


According to the AP in my local paper, The AIDS virus has been circulating among people for about 100 years, decades longer than scientists had thought, a new study suggests.

I dislike the word "suggests" in news articles I believe to be allegedly factual. Whatever.

The article goes on to state; Genetic analysis pushes the estimated origin of HIV back to between 1884 and 1908. Previously, scientists had estimated the origin at around 1930. AIDS wasn't formally recognised until 1981.

That is the year I first remember hearing about it. That's also the year I (Yikes!) graduated high school!

Sadly, several years ago, I lost a very close friend, Marcello, to the HIV virus. It's funny and not in a HA-HA way, because I NEVER thought I'd directly know anyone who would contract or succumb to AIDS. I learned from my ignorance. I miss him. He was a GREAT guy.


Stefany said...

Marcello. Nice name. Probably a nice person. I didn't know that scientists thought AIDS first started in the 1930's. Interesting.

Responding to a different post, I actually don't watch Ghost Hunters. I used to watch Paranormal State, but it was getting no where. I'll have to start watching now since you mentioned it!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Paranormal State is LAAAME! No offense, but I could care less about a bunch of college kids that take themselves much too seriously!

Personally I think GH's is more entertaining. I've actually met the guys a couple 'O times. They're pretty cool. I've tried a few times to get on the show because I myself am funny & would make the show MORE entertaining! Perhaps one day. I have however had MUCH more than my alloted 15 mins. of fame. I'm such a needy attention whore!