Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Royal Order of Posts

I understand it, and it makes sense to have the most current post at the top of the page............BUT, it can be kinda confusing! It can potentially kill the flow and continuity of the blog! I just had to get that out.

Oh, and the other thing that boils and butters my balls, is that when I save a post to "draft" to finish later, when it's completed and I post it, it's automatically inserted by the date from when I originally wrote it, thus procuring it's probable irrelevance!

I'm thinkin' that was a mighty run on sentence. Maybe a paragraph or short story. Any help RJW?

OK- Test over. Turn in your papers. Remember this will count towards 110% of your grade. Have a nice day class!

1 comment:

Rennie said...

No. I'm fine with that paragraph. See note below though.