Friday, October 3, 2008

Here I Sit

Why? It's exactly 5pm (off the clock at 4:30) my time and I'm still sitting in the "Ice Box". The Ice Box would be my office. Named by the BIG boss because this is the room where they keep all the BIG computer servers 'N stuff. I was told the room has to be kept cool otherwise all the nuclear circuits would blow, and that would be a bad thing I guess. The boss actually programed the phone in here so anyone I call with caller ID would see "Ice Box" displayed. I wonder how the mayor feels about that.

However I think they lied about needing it so cold in here. They're trying to freeze me out. Well I say BRING IT! I prefer it cold to go with my soul and the revenge I will one day be serving.

I'd like to wish my two, maybe three if I stretch it, blog readers a very nice weekend. I'll post some more if something exciting or noteworthy happens, or if I become clever enough to make up some outlandish and improbable shit. Say good night Gracie.


Stefany said...

I wonder what kind of secret job you have. My dad just got a job working on submarines and other stuff for the militairy. Some guy who used to work there was caught spying (Russian) and he's now serving 40 years in prison.
So my dad was pretty suprised he got the job since he's an immigrant from Croatia.
It's a factory job. My mom started off at a factory and so have I (going to college in December. Must get out of that hell hole). My woos (that can't be how to spell it) brother got his start at a golf course.

C. Louis Wolfe said...


I will one day tell what I do for a living, but I like to be somewhat mysterious. Besides, your young, despite being mentally 35 & named after Stephanie Powers who I had a huge crush on waaaaay back when I was a youngin' myself.

People who know me would tell you I'm mentally 19! I take that as a compliment!!!

Stefany said...

In response to your comment, yes, tis me in the picture. How come you always question me if that truly is me in the photos?
Anyway, I always say I'm mentally 35 because I hate teenagers. Their too self absorbed and obnoxioius. And a lot of people say I'm very mature.
What else... oh yes. I meant that I do blush and am clumsy. I'm angered at myself for these traits I possess.
And I don't know about fish, but I sure enjoy Wendys!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Weren't you a teenager not too long ago? In fact now. ;-)

Apparently your the exception to the whole teendom thang. Good for you! We need more like you. Maybe you should school them youngins & teach 'em what for! Are ya with me Stef?!

Actually I find myself saying things that older folks used to say to us. My parents as well. Those damn kids!

I can't believe I said that!

Rennie said...

One...I think it's awesome that they programmed the phone to say the Ice Box when you call out. That, unfortunately, does not work with cell phones, so I have yet to see it in action. Two....this poor girl thinks you work for the CIA or something! Come clean Wolfy!! Tell her you're a super hero trapped in a 9-5 (or 8:30-4:30) job, where they take you for granted, forcing you to change into a blue leotard and extra stretchy tights after the sun goes down to save little old ladies who slip on the ice. And on top of was really cool to be out with you at the Crossroads on Saturday night. That's not something we do often. I'm glad you got home safely. Next time, I wanna catch Bob's band. Sorry I disappeared. I hadn't seen Erin in two weeks, and we were catching up on her life. Let's do it again soon. --Lil R

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Well NOW she knows! Now you've gone & done it. Thanks Wolters. I'll have to change my secret identity. I guess you don't understand how many people you put at risk by almost revealing who I really am not.

Yes it was nice to see you to, even though you disappeared.

Stefany said...

Superman's my favorite.
No one shall ever replace him!

Up, up, and away!

p.s. I realized long ago that someone working for the CIA would not be on chatting with an odd 18 year old from Cleveland.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

First off little Miss Stefany-

BATMAN RULES! He's much cooler. Besides, he can kick Supes' @$$! because he fights dirty. It's well documented in the funny books. Sorry. ;-(

You can't be sure I'm not some form of government cyber agent. I'm not, but that would be way cool wouldn't it?

PS- Are you saying your odd? I can out odd you any day sister! I didn't like the last line you wrote. I feel dirty. Like I'm an old perv that converses w/young innocent girls who blog w/pure hearts.

Does that make me a bad person. Besides like you said; your mentally 35, so it doesn't seem so bad. ;^)>......or does it?