Monday, October 6, 2008

Ruminations, Reflections, and Reminiscing of a Weekend

Ah. Monday, Monday. (Not) so good to me. To bastardise and butcher the Mamas and the Papas.

What did you do? I myself, can not recall through the alcoholic beverage and drug fueled haze. I only woke up because my next door neighbors kid who hates me, ("accidentally") threw a rock through my bedroom window. After the initial shock of that wore off, I noticed there was a body on the other side of my (king size) bed. It was completely covered up so I was unable to detect the identity or even the sex of this person.

My first thought was; PLEASE DON'T LET IT BE A MAN! My second thought was; PLEASE BE ALIVE! I recall going to bed alone, however I occasionally leave my front door unlocked, so who knows who may have stumbled in and passed out. I very slowly and carefully got out of bed and made my way over to where this person lay. I leaned over and heard faint breathing. That's a good sign, I thought. All of a sudden I heard a chewing sound coming from the corner of the room. The blinds were lowered so the corner was dark and I couldn't see much. I didn't want to raise the blinds for fear of waking whatever or whomever was in my bed. I grabbed the bat that I keep under my bed for protection, or for the only way I can get lucky, and flicked on the light switch. The room was suddenly bathed in a bright light. I rubbed my eyes several times because I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There in the corner was a goat eating one of my dirty socks. Suddenly, the thing in my bed quickly sat up, and as the sheets fell away I could see that it's........................................

GOT YA didn't I? You've been officially had! Uh oh, paybacks are a bitch. I'd better be careful. So what did I really do? I'm sure after that you don't even care, but I'll tell you anyway because I'm a soft touch.

Friday night consisted of DVDs, pajamas, and Chinese food. Not necessarily in that order. A mysterious stranger briefly stopped by to kill time before the party that I wasn't invited to started.

Saturday was full of merry mirth. I slept a little late. Alone. Again. Ran some errands and I met the mysterious stranger at the diner for a brunch type thing. I then tended to some tedious crap, followed by some more tedious crap, ending up at the Cross Roads to watch my friends band (Brother Eye) perform. They were very good. They even played two cool covers. Purple Rain (Prince) and Jet (Wings) which I didn't see coming. Unfortunately they were scheduled to go on way too early. I've played with most of the guys in the band, in other bands. They're a cool bunch 'O fellows. I drank too much (for me) which is NOT a lot. I'm a lightweight. Went home, put my jams upside down, as well as inside out, and slept in the tub which I thought was my bed until I accidentally turned on the faucet. Talk about wet dreams!

Which brings us to Sunday, my favorite day of the week, Except for the dark and dreary thoughts of work the next day. I lay around like a three toed sloth and read the good parts of the newspaper. I lay around some more, just because I'm a trouble maker and rebel until I became hungry. I took a scenic ride into town and ate a late breakfast at "The Treat". I then spent the rest of the day on the crapper! Speaking of that, I actually did some crap and then went out with my friend Bob (Brother Eye drummer) to Sam Ash to look at drum stuff. I then dragged him to Target, which I love and apparently he hates, finally finishing up at Good Will, where I can dump off my unwanted crap and they'll get rid of it for me. Boy, This post is sure full of a lot of crap. Now I'm at work typing this crap, and will soon make the long journey (1 mile) home to prepare my evening ritual, which usually consists of bourbon and Doritos followed by a hot stone massage by my personal geisha girl and a oil of olay facial. Then it's directly to bed, unless the girls stop by for one of their unannounced surprise visits. They tend to be selfish and forget I need my beauty sleep. Lot's of it!

Good night and good luck.


Rennie said...

Who IS this mysterious stranger? How shadey and shifty and .... mysterious.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Actually, after much consideration I find this stranger to be somewhat mysterious. Shifty and shadey.........occasionally snippy & sassy!

Stefany said...


All I got to say about this one.

My "geisha girl" is a 50 year old red headed male by the name of Ed.

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Small world! My GG is Eds half sister Larry.

She says to say HI to Ed for her. She'll see him at the next kotobuki family reunion 5-5-2525.