Monday, October 6, 2008

Thank You For Your Support

It appears I have two (somewhat) loyal blog readers. There may actually be more, but these two are the ONLY ones to take their valuable time to leave me comments. It means a lot to me. I realize I'm blogging mostly for myself, but it's nice to know there are others out there who appreciate my intelligent, witty, and amazingly creative writing, despite my rambunctious grammar and spelling errors. Of these two fine ladies, one I know very well, and the other is my new imaginary friend who I'm kinda, but not really, getting to know. At least cyberly. Props to all two of you.

Me thinks I shall name them "The Blogettes".

The checks are in the mail.


Rennie said...

I'm a blogette!! I feel like I made the team!

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Oh, you made the team alright!

Now amscray!

Stefany said...

Yes! I am someone's imaginary friend! And I will remain loyal until puberty kicks in and you start caring for girls instead of hot-wheels.
Then I will be but a whisper in the wind and a shadow on the ground...

C. Louis Wolfe said...

Sorry. I loves me mies Hot Wheels! Besides they tend to get better gas milege than imaginary friends & girls who are yucky!

Don't tell a soul, but I'm STILL waiting for puberty's sweet call. Perhaps I should see a doctor or simply stop waxing!

PS- When I was in England, I frequented a pub known as Pub-Berties. It was a crazy place. In fact it got downright hairy at times!